Urine Tests we offer
Marijuana (THC) Test
MEDsan's Urine Marijuana Test (THC) is a competitive immunoassay utilizing highly specific reactions between antibodies and antigens for the qualitative determination of cannabinoids in human urine.
The test is the first step in a two-step process to provide consumers with information concerning the presence or absence of the above stated drug in a urine sample.
Information regarding confirmatory testing along with the materials for shipping a portion of the urine specimen to the laboratory for confirmation testing of a preliminary positive result is provided.
GC/MS is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be exercised with any drug of abuse test result, particularly when the preliminary result is positive.
- Qualitative results within 5 minutes.
- High sensitivity and specificity.
- Results are easy to read and require no additional instrumentation or reagents.
The package insert is currently available in 8 languages (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portugues, Polish, Russian). Further languages are available upon request within 2 days.
Pregnancy Test
Find out if you are pregnant or not with our Pregnancy Test which delivers fast and accurate results in no time. No need for testing over and over again, one test and you know.
Kidney Test
Urinary Tract Infection